All Adventures Start Somewhere (Day 1)

It was a day like any other day, except it is not. It's the day we go to Morocco!

It was a bright and early meet at Simonside for the group who were all on time. Sarah was the last to arrive as usual. You can't get the staff these days can you. The group were briefed by the leadership team and team jobs were dished out (as well a lot of 💰). The bags were packed on the bus and all that was left to do was take the team photo.
A fairly uneventful bus journey up to sunny Scotland and we were at the airport. It was quite busy but only a few of our reprobates got searched. The flight was much of the same apart from the 'smooth' landing. 
Our first impressions of Marrakech are of a clean and colourful city with a lots of sounds, lights and people.
We've ate comfort food tonight in the form of the golden arches and have head back to the hotel for a well deserved sleep and dreams of tomorrow's adventures.

Signing off


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